MAG Interactive – Des produits mobiles innovants pour tous

While we started out within the word game niche with the game Ruzzle, the current focus is the broader casual mobile gaming space. The current portfolio contains ten games, of which five are word games, one is a puzzle game and four are trivia games. Over the years, we have developed a scalable and repeatable game development process, based on a scientific approach to ensure quality and frequency of all productions.
Our games are distributed through virtual app stores allowing for global reach with minimum effort, of which the largest are Google Play and App Store, for operating systems Android and iOS respectively. Partly due to the high quality and rankings of its games, we enjoy strong relationships with distributors such as Apple and Google, which facilitates and improves our publishing and marketing activities.

Our Business model

MAG Interactive’s business model can be divided into two parts, which could be referred to as development and publishing. Development, the first part, contains all activities related to the development of new games. MAG Interactive’s development process has a proven track record of the ability to generate successful games. Publishing, the second part of the business model, concerns activities taking place from the launch of a game and onwards. It includes relationship building with distributors, marketing and continuous post-launch game optimisation.

L’entreprise dispose d’une vaste expérience de plus de 27 ans, d’une équipe de 96 personnes.